Friday, 11 February 2011

School Newsletter analysis


In class we Analysed two different school newletters which were two completely diffirent schools. We discussed in class the features which the newltters consisted of which made thew teask subsiquently easier as we were develping skills towards are terminology.

The first newletter we analysed was the one on the left which is used for Deyes High school. Fristly the Font styles are Large and Bold which i beleive is used as a way of covering space as the newleter has had little effort in producing. the main picture of the newsletter is a pencil drawing of the school. the image gives and impression of suitability and consistancy witin the school as it looks like it produces good mannerisms, however the picture is outdated and does not look very appealing to the audaince. The Masthead is simple the name of the School and has used a puff, to show the schools speciality in Science. and has used a large serif Font. Another image used on the newslettwer connotates science which is in relation to the Puff. The Newltters colour is plain and has n oringinality. it shows lack of effort in producting it. the Deyes High Deyes High School badge is also present on the newsletter in the form of a large scale watermark which makes the badge discrete but also brands the publication as an offiicial Deyes newsletter. To improve the newsletter i would completely change the layout style as it needs to be more appealing to not just the pariental audiance but also the student audiance.

The second Newsletter i analysed was the St Ambrose Barlows Newsletter which i beleived had a more suitable and appealing layout. the use of colour genreates the sense of fun and happyness which is what is expected for a school. The magazine uses a typical Red top masthead which relaes to other publications such as The Daily Mirror giving a more professional feel to the nwsletter. The Red is also used on the puff were it claims to be a specialist sports collage, and the use of red connotates Health which is used to relate to sport.
The newsletter also incorporates a contents column down the side of the newsletter which attracts the reader as it presents the content of the newsletter straight away. The badge of the school is also included and placed in the top right hand conrer. the layour is frther layed out in a newspaper style as it includes a use of headings and the article text is displayed in columns. the coloumns give a sense of formality which can range from appealing to both students and parents. The St Ambrose Barlow newsletter could be improved if the layout was positioned better and did not look as chaotic and did not have seasonal drawbacks as this issue only realtes in summer time 'Summer eddition'.

In conclusion both newslletter front covers could be greatly improved through relevance and content features, however the use of colour and formal layout of the St Ambrose newsletter in my oppinion makes a far better front cover as it contais features which exaspulrate the audiance far better than of the Deyes High Newsletter

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