Monday, 21 February 2011

College magazine analysis

 This is my final outcome for my college magazine. the design relates to the previous mock up i produced to how the layout consistantcy should be displayed. The layout includes a masthead displaying the magazines name, 'A Deye in the life' which uses clever alliteration and relates to the name of the school. The Font style is Brush script as it presents an attractive style and has a sense of originality. The main Headline instantly attracts the reader as it asserts a topic which would gain the attention of the student audaince, relating to School Meals, related with maddness. The Main Image is a medium two shot of me and liam were the School canteen can clearly be seen in the backgreound the colour has been changewd to black and white to give a sense of originality and can be related to a teenage magazine and the heading  relates to the Image.  There is Puff shown to add appealingness to the audiance saying it is the Schools number 1 magazine so they are making the right choice choosing it. The Colour is a clever use of Blues and reds as it is the Schools initial colours and relates to the semiotics.The semiotics being blue as brighgt and attractive. The subheadings are placed on the sides around the image to add a sense of trend and relates to other magazine styles such as the rolling stones. their Font style is constinia. I Chose this as it has a simailar style to the Main Headline. The pub is simply shown at the top of the page were it establishes the date and issue number. The Other image shown is in the top right hand side were it shows the Deyes High Logo to increase the relavance about the magazine. I also included a barcode in the bottom left hand corner to make the magazine have a professional touch.

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