Thursday, 28 April 2011

Music Magazine Contents Page

This is my Contents Page which i have incorparated using a very speia effect. I liked the idea of the Colour as it gave a dank uderground feel to it, whch is what i planned to use on the Front Cover, but i however used it on the Contents page.
I edited my picture by inserting a layer to give it a shadowed effect and also altering the contrast.
This is my Original Photgraph i taken using a tripod. The Original format setting for the picture was a sepia effect as this was my initial idea, however i then changed the concept completely and applied a black and white effect to the photograph.

Music Magazine Front Cover

This is my Music Magazine front cover after being edited on photoshop to construct a vivd music magazine. I included a MastHead, Headings and included a puff. The black and white effect was added to the original picture as i wanted a strong colour sequence of black and white, to create a dark mysterious effect.